
Join Me For A FREE Workshop in Surface Pattern Design with Bonnie Christine!

Hello there! Raise your hand if you also started the year hoping for more clarity, confidence, and real progress toward your goals?

Good news! If you are a creative, artist, illustrator, and/or designer, or even a hobbyist looking to make strides on your creative journey then join me for a FREE (yes, free!) Workshop led by the incredible industry expert Bonnie Christine called Secrets to Success in Surface Pattern Design. This free Workshop is tailor-made for both beginners and for those who may be mid-career. I’ve taken Bonnie’s courses a number of times and have legitimately always found them to be a great way to learn, stay engaged in my work, and build confidence in my abilities both artistically and business-wise.

This FREE Workshop was the first step for me a couple of years ago to a whole new way of working and helped me set and achieve some big, BIG goals for my business. Seriously! Look below to see how learning with Bonnie helped me develop and actually get my surface patterns onto beautiful real-world products like the ones below in our new Society6 Shop:

Learn how to turn your existing or new ART into INCOME in Secrets to Success in Surface Pattern Design. It’s kind of bananas that this Workshop is free. But a spirit of generosity is one of the things that I love about learning with Bonnie. And she teaches in such a thoughtful and honest way that you can’t help but feel calm, capable, and ready to move forward confidently after her lessons.

Her philosophy is simple: “Do one thing a day.” And this mantra has been a foundation of my own more recent growth as an artist and creative entrepreneur. One thing a day. We can all do that! Big or small, one thing a day that works towards our long term goals builds a healthy habit and a sustainable practice. Trust me! It changes everything when you adopt that mindset.

This Workshop is chock full of great education, and it’s also a precursor to (in my opinion) the GOAT of online ed, Surface Design Immersion Course, which a much deeper dive into actual design and technical skills builder for illustrator and surface pattern art like no other. Immersion is where I really found my groove because finally someone taught Adobe Illustrator in a way that made sense for my needs and profession as a full-time artist.

If your interest is piqued, then I would love for you to join me in this upcoming (and did I mention totally FREE!) workshop: Secrets to Success in Surface Pattern Design. The investment in yourself is truly worthwhile.

In this 4-part video series, Bonnie will be sharing:

  • How to craft a career (and life!) you love in surface pattern design
  • The essential stages to becoming a designer
  • Mapping out your personalized road to success
  • Creating income as an artist and adding multiple streams of revenue

If you’d like to register for the FREE Workshop, you can do so right here:


When you sign up, keep an eye on your inbox for Lesson #1 to arrive on Monday February 13th. It’s only available for a limited time, so be sure to sign up, watch the lessons… I’ll meet you there!

Full disclosure – I have taken this free workshop in the past, and also am an alumni of Bonnie’s big, once a year (only!) Immersion Course, and I am an official affiliate partner this year 🙂 Which means that if you have any questions I’m here for it! Please feel free to ask any questions that you might have and I’m happy to help!

And finally, for folks who enroll in Bonnie’s Surface Design Immersion Course, which opens later this month, I am offering some really fun and hopefully helpful bonuses. More details on those soon, but in the meantime you might want to sign up for my newsletter list or comment below / email me so I can send you more info in a couple of weeks!

P.S. Know someone who might enjoy this free workshop? Feel free to forward this post to them so they can join us and kickstart their professional goals too!

strawberryluna Lecture at MICA & BPS visit on 11/15 in Baltimore

Hello Baltimore! Heading your way this week!

Allison will be trekking to Baltimore on to represent strawberryluna in presenting a lecture to the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) Graphic Design & Printmaking Departments this Thursday November 15th as a guest of the Poster & Screen Printing Class taught by Kim Bentley of Baltimore Print Studios.

Allison will be giving her lecture at Noon in the Brown 320 lecture hall on Thursday, November 15th and then showing work afterwards in the Screenprinting Studio, D202. Both events are open to anyone. Special thanks to the GD dept. for their help and support in bringing Allison to MICA!

Afterwards, Kim, Kyle & Allison will be hanging out at Baltimore Print Studios on Thursday evening for some printy good fun times.

Click here for more information about MICA.

Click here for more information about the lecture.

Click here for more information about Baltimore Print Studios.


Above: The MICA Printmaking Studio