
Screens’nSpokes MS 2008 benefit print


Screens'n'Spokes benefit art print, 2-color screenprint available exclusively at SnS' Etsy store.

Screens'n'Spokes benefit art print, 2-color screenprint available exclusively at the Screens'n'Spokes Etsy store.

Multiple Sclerosis is an often debilitating disease that strikes millions around the world. It is estimated that over 400,000 Americans are currently living with the autoimmune disease. Some of our great friends at Team Screens’n’Spokes came up with a fantastic way to help raise money for the National MS Society by combining screenprinted art and the annual MS Bike Ride.

Screens’n’Spokes combined the love of bicycles, the MS Ride and their affection for all things screenprinted. They tapped their connections and friends in the scene and BOOM! Magic happened.

For the second year in a row, I was pleased to pitch in and help Screens’n’Spokes who this year were able to raise an amazing $50,000+ for the National MS Society by designing and printing this print for them. Screens’n’Spokes has an Etsy store, and that’s where my print is available exclusively for sale online.

With 2 art simultaneous shows in September  – November, lots of folks got to see  the hand screenprinted bicycle themed art from over 25 artists. Missed the shows? Check out Screens’n’Spokes Etsy shop  take a gander. Proceeds benefit the NMSS.

Can’t wait for next year!

3 thoughts on “Screens’nSpokes MS 2008 benefit print

  1. Absolutely. I’m so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law too. Best to her.

    If you know anyone who would be interested in the prints at the Screens’n’Spokes shop, feel free to pass on the link or blog about them. All proceeds, 100% go to the National MS Society through the Team Screens’n’Spokes fundraising team.

    Thanks for commenting, cheers & happy holidays.

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