Halloo! Thank you so much Chicago! We had a blast both coming and going this year at Flatstock Poster Show and Pitchfork Music Festival last weekend. We loved getting to hang out with our poster friends from all over the country (and even Canada, yes way.) But even more, it’s so fun and awesome when we get to talk to folks who love design and posters and printmaking like we do.
So, thanks so much everyone, hope to see you next year!
Here are a few silly photos of this year’s adventures in poster carny-ing. This was one good road trip full of delicious old fashioned road side stops, fireworks, laughs, overpriced bloody marys and too many anchovies. All in all, great times. Feel free to check out more photos at Flickr too.

Root beer pit stop with Hero Design on the way to Chicago at Simonton Lake Drive In, in IN. In in in! (Photo courtesy of Hero Design.)

Talking with folks and working the booth.
If you see this guy while driving the Interstate…hit the gas. I mean it.

Chuckie, gettin' his eat on. (Photo courtesy of Hero Design.)