
Norwegian wood – The Oya Fest’s poster show

Posters in the wild at the Oya Festival poster show in Oslo, Norway

Posters in the wild at the Oya Festival poster show in Oslo, Norway.

Oslo, Norway is home to one of the coolest and largest music festivals in Europe, the Oya Festival. For the past few years Norwegian designer and poster artist Are Kleivan has been organizing a poster show to coincide with the Festival’s various events and I’m pleased as punch to be a part of the Oya Fest Poster Show for the 2nd year in a row. Proceeds from the sales at the show this year went to Hey, double awesome!

Above and below are some photographs from the opening (August 11th) and closing (August 18th) days of the show. And in answer to the question, are they any ugly people in Norway? The answer is undoubtedly, no. None. For more photos, check out the thread on and these from German poster artists Lars P. Krause’s visit to Oslo, the Oya Fest, the show, and Norway here on his Flickr page.


Posters hanging out while people hang out in Oslo, Norway.

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