
Our Iron & Wine poster in Ready Made, home decor by Bee Things.

Some of the gorgeous walls chez Bee Things, including my Iron & Wine poster from 2005.

While spring cleaning away this past Saturday, I’d left a small pile of fun mail as yet un-opened and un-perused. So, when I took a little sit-down break and read a tweet from my friend Beth from Hero Design that she saw our Iron & Wine poster (sold out, sorry!) in a spread the new April/May issue of Ready Made magazine, I kinda freaked out. Funny enough, my own issue had just arrived the day before but I hadn’t had a chance to open it and read it yet.

So, of course I tore in immediately πŸ™‚

The feature is on the absolutely amazing and beautiful home of Texas design and screenprinting, husband & wife duo studio, Bee Things, (Jeff Barfoot & Shay Ometz) whose work I have admired from afar for a while now. So, seeing their superbly decorated home, so fantastically well curated and without being fussy or overly intentionally showy (you know what I mean!) featured prominently in a 10 page spread was a complete inspiration and a big blushing moment. I think it’s fantstic how you can see their love of printmaking in all forms by the incredible collection of prints that they have hanging everywhere in their home.

A room full of awesome. The Been Things livingroom and book collection.

Bee Things run a screenprinting studio from their home, from design to printmaking, which we of course relate to and love. And the sunlight that they get in their East Dallas space is completely lovely. They also did a great little tutorial on the screenprinting process for Ready Made that you can see in the April/May issue, and it’s also available online here as wellΒ at I love the quote from Note the great IKEA flat file ALEX (the while drawer file in the lower left), a screenprinter’s pal. We have one too in our office! It’s a great way to store films, paper, and ink jet printer inks, among other tools of the trade. Good show Bee Things πŸ˜‰

Bee Things studio.

We’re just beyond flattered and tickled to the gills to have a design & screenprinting couple, like us, like our work enough to hang it in their home and among their other quite formidable print treasures. And, just so you can see more awesome, this is the entire last page of the feature on Bee Things adorable home below.

Full page scan view.

3 thoughts on “Our Iron & Wine poster in Ready Made, home decor by Bee Things.

  1. hi there!
    wow! thanks for the post, talk about a blushing moment πŸ™‚ jeff and i saw you at flat stock years ago and fell in love with the iron and wine poster and your work. we promptly framed it and it has been living on our walls ever since.
    i didn’t realize you guys live in pittsburgh. that’s where my dad is from. his family owns a lot of the fun services franchises around that area. and im traveling to philly in a few weeks for a fossil catalog photo shoot. yay pennsylvania.
    anyhow, thanks again and take care.
    shayO + jeff

  2. Hi shayO!

    Thanks so much, and thanks for dropping by here too πŸ˜‰ I guess that we are in the mutual appreciation club together, hoooraaay!

    That’s so funny that your Dad is from Pittsburgh, every place I go to there is always at least one person from Pittsburgh. And, more co-inky-dink – I’m from Philadelphia originally, and now live here.

    Have a great time in Philly, and if you guys ever make it to Pittsburgh let us know OK?

    Talk soon and thanks again too,

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