
Pneumonia slows you down…phew.

Hey gang!

Sorry that there haven’t been any updates for a couple of weeks. I do have a good backlog of new posts, new releases and fun stuff to post and things have been as busy ever here at strawberryluna HQ.

I got the pneumonia smackdown a bit back and it’s been a real bear. High fevers, trouble breathing, an ER trip, meds, the whole nine.

So, we’re here, we’re working (slowly!) and I’m taking a bit of a break for the next week or so until I feel less like a shark is attacking my lungs 🙂 This illness is no joke, dang.

What a cool vintage poster, right? So, of course I wanted to post it and share it. (Pneumonia not included.)

New posts coming soon, but until then, feel free to totz check my website for new posters & prints OK? Cheers!

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