
strawberryluna Interview + Studio Tour by Steeltown Anthem

Take a peek into the inner workings of strawberryluna with this interview & studio tour put together by our friends and Pittsburgh art & design blogger Dane from Steeltown Anthem and photographer Kristy of Burning Bright Studios.

We’ve been trying to set a date to do a studio tour with Dane for over a year, and hooray! It finally happened. Between all of our busy travel and work schedules it seemed like a Herculean feat, but in the meantime we’ve all gotten to know each other and become friends. And that always makes an interview so much easier.

Learn a little more about our handmade process of silkscreening prints and posters, how we got started, what our inspirations are, what we’re working on now, see where we do our print work and much more.

See the entire interview and tons of photos over here at Steeltown Anthem. We hope that you enjoy!

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