
Recap of our Substrates: Group Art Show

Gallery goers and our Test Prints at the Substrates show at Unsmoke in Braddock, PA on July 30th. (Click to see more photos.)

Thanks so much to UnSmoke Systems, Erik & Shannon Gustafson and everyone who came out to the Substrates show on Saturday night!

The Unsmoke Art Space is a gem in the Pittsburgh area, from the beauty of the space, to the outdoor areas and the welcoming vibe of Jeb Feldman and beautiful Libby.

Libby, being a cool customer. (Click to see more photos.)

Here are a few select shots from the evening, click on any of them to see more.

The 1st wall of our work on display for Substrates: A Group Show at Unsmoke Art Space, in Braddock. (Click to see more photos.)


Gallery goers and our Test Prints at the Substrates show at Unsmoke in Braddock, PA on July 30th. (Click to see more photos.)

Wall of my (mostly!) Test Prints, all new and all making their debut at the Substrates show at Unsmoke Art Space, Braddock, PA (Click to see more photos.)

Who doesn't love delicious, fresh, wood fired pizza? Amazing pizza oven at Unsmoke during the Substrates show. (Click to see more photos.)

We had a great time meeting so many wonderful Pittsburgh folks. Thanks again!

BookBook = lit geek meets computer geek, falls in love.

BookBook's cool MacBook cover, click for details and info.

This might be the coolest thing I’ve seen all year. And yes, I’m aware that 2010 just began. And yes, I’m still saying that this might be one of my favorite things for the entire year, already. Yes. I really might be.

BookBook is a rad Apple MacBook laptop case and cover designed exclusively for MacBooks & MacBook Pros, from Twelve South (whose self-proclaimed motto is: “We’re not just Mac friendly, we’re Mac only.“)

There is little more depressing and somewhat sad to me than a dullard, run-of-the-mill laptop cover. Seriously. Those of us who use (and love) our little super machines develop an emotional affinity with them, so why encase that in something that says: “Do you have those TPS report cover letters?” Yuck. I am currently rocking a custom made laptop by the sadly now defunct Flicka bags, but I’m mega tempted to add one of these awesome cases to my gear.

BookBook disguises your laptop neatly. Click for more details.

The old book cover style evokes a Robinson Crusoe/Great Books Of the Western World vibe to it that I just adore. It reminds me of perusing used bookstores for hours with my mom as a kid, being held in reverie by older, fantastically bound books that had clearly seen better days, yet seemed all the more loved for their reading wear.

From Twelve South’s site, they describe BookBook’s protective qualities of the hardbound book and soft interior:

Protecting your MacBook is a top priority and it’s job one for BookBook. Slip your Mac inside the velvety soft, padded interior. Zip it closed and your baby is nestled between two tough, rigid leather hardback covers for a solid level of impact absorbing protection. The rigid spine serves as crush protection for an additional line of defense. BookBook creates a hardback book structure that safeguards your MacBook like few other cases can. Far better than any floppy neoprene bag ever will. End of story.

Each BookBook case is individually hand crafted, and with design details like the ability to keep your laptop plugged in and charging while in use. If you can be a hardcore laptop user, that’s a really great feature. Clever + good looking + functional = I’m all about it. As to Twelve South‘s claim that the BookBook is a more secure way to disguise or prevent the theft of your laptop, well, I don’t know about that. Especially if this sucker gets as popular as it should, but then again, I’m not one to leave my laptop out in the open in public much anyway. Still, it is a clever disguise.

Like a laptop at Vincent Price Halloween bash, it’s BookBook. Nifty and cool.

Click for more information about BookBook from Twelve South.

Neko Case – People Got A Lotta Nerve

Neko Case & fuzzy friend

Neko Case & fuzzy friend

This is just so super cool and fuzzy & warm and awesome. Neko Case, as if she wasn’t already rad enough, is doing a animal-rescue friendly promotion that will run from January 13 to February 3, 2009.With a new album. Middle Cyclone, coming out on March 3, 2009 she is pre-releasing a downloadable single called “People Gotta Lot Of Nerve” but with an added bonus.

 Neko Case and ANTI– will make a cash donation to the amazing Best Friends Animal Society,  possibly best known for being the shelter facilty that runs Dogtown and has taken in 22 of the abused former fighting dogs from the Michael Vick dogfighting ring case. For every blog that posts reposts the single Five dollars  ($5!) will be donated to the Best Friends Animal Society and or every user of iLike that adds the song to his/her profile. one dollar ($1!) will be donated to Best Friends Animal Society. The Vick dogs, and literally hundreds of other abused animals are cared for every day, rehabilitated and when possible, adopted into loving home because of the fantastic & dedicated work of the people at Best Friends Animal Society.

SO! Download the song and enjoy, because like Ms. Case, it’s an ass kicker. If you have a blog? Please post about this limited time donation and add this download to your blogs.

Download “People Got A Lotta Nerve” here:

And for instructions on how you and your blog can help, go here. It’s SUPER easy!

Neko Case, Middle Cyclone

Neko Case, Middle Cyclone

Poolga = NOT boring iPhone & Touch wallpapers

Technology is not boring. Or cold. Or impersonal.

iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper

Rose Red, iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper by strawberryluna

In fact, as the digital becomes more personal, things are getting pretty interesting. There was a time when technology automatically meant cold, distant, impersonal and excruciatingly under-designed in a human sense. You had to learn to adapt to technology, no matter how awkward, never the other way around. Think early cars without windshields or even a roof, hand cranking telephones to call the operator who then placed your call for you, and the giant, room filling computers of yore.

Yeah well, much of that has changed as people have adopted technology, brought it in from the beeping binary cold and made it fit their lives, no longer just the other way ’round. The iPhone and the iPod Touch are excellent examples of this change. So it makes great sense that these small and highly personal, functional machines become more personalized.

The savvy and design-loving folks at are here to help. Poolga has been putting out amazing images for your iPhone & iPod Touch from an international selection of illustrators and designers, for free. That’s right folks….awesomeness…for free. And moreover, these fine Poolga people have just added 2 of my designs to their incredible collection. I know right? It’s crazy. So did you open a new window or a new tab yet? WHY? GO! 

I love love love their collection. I’ve been rocking this image by UK illustrator and designer Thereza Rowe, Black Unicorns on my phone for a couple of months now, and I still just adore it. Her work is really fantastic and entrancing.

Black Unicorns, by Thereza Rowe

Black Unicorns, iPhone & iPod touch wallpaper by Thereza Rowe

And below is my other current wallpaper up at Poolga. Go check them out OK? SO much awesomeness over there. Go yonder and wander, it’s a fun way to fine new illustrators, designers, and freshen up that bit of pocket magic that you carry around all day, everyday. And cripes, it’s free! You so deserve it. Go on, git. Thanks rad Poolga folks!

Peacock Feathereyes, iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper

Peacock Feathereyes, iPhone & iPod Touch wallpaper by strawberryluna

Spoonflower, just what we’ve been waiting for.

Thanks to a Twitter mention by smartie artie Meg Hunt, we recently found a great problem solver! Love textiel design, but perhaps don’t have the space, materials and expertise to print your own design? Spoonflower is fix.

For a textile, pattern and design nerd like me, this is straight heaven. Spoonflower, based in an former sock Mill in Mebane, North Carolina in the US, is technically still in it’s Beta stage. However, just this week they made the big move from an invite-only site to a fully public interactive website. Upload patterns & designs, peruse and follow the works of other designers around the world, order custom printed swatches based on your designs, or just read through the extensive blog for ideas, tutorials and tips of the trade.

Basically? Spoonflower is pretty much amazing. Look for my work there soon! Can’t wait to go play. Eeeeeeee.