
Exclusive new Designer Desktops set for Design Milk: “Light As A Bird” released!

Click to download a free, full-sized version of our Designer Desktop for July from Design Milk! Formatted for your computer, iPad and iPhone.

Hello there! We’re really excited to finally share a new bit of design work with everyone. We were approached by the powerhouse design blog Design Milk
(huge shout out thanks to lovely Kelly at Design Crush for the recommendation) in May to be a part of their ongoing curated Designer Desktops series. Of course, being a fan of Design Milk for quite sometime I said yes right away.

Jaime, the founder of Design Milk, asked us to choose a design related quote and then work from there to create a suitable exclusive illustration for desktop backgrounds and Apple wallpapers. Preferably something which would also relate to design, naturally. When I came across this gem by Coco Chanel:

“I never wanted to weigh more heavily on a man than a bird.”

I fell in love instantly and we went with it. Read more about the inspiration for these designs here at Design Milk 

Our Designer Desktops are FREE and available for download in multiple formats exclusively at Design Milk here for the entire month of July. There are 4 sizes to choose from for standard computer monitors as well as an iPad & an iPhone version too. All especially formatted for perfection, of course! Click below to download any and all of these sizes:







So drop on by Design Milk and get your free, light as a bird new desktops and wallpapers and spiff up!

Click to download this free iPhone wallpaper, or snag any of the 5 other formats of our design for Design Milk's July Desktops

Win this print at Design Crush!

Click on this image & enter to win my 6-color all hand screenprinted print: "Going To See My Baby Sage" from the blog Design Crush. It's free to enter. Good luck!

Free stuff is rarely this easy.

This week the fabulous Kelly from the awesome design & style blog Design Crush is featuring one of my prints in one of their fun Win It Giveaways (<–click for details and to enter.) Kelly is not only fun and funny and cool, but as it turns out, she is also from Pittsburgh, and now living in Oklahoma City, OK. Yinz rock!

Design Crush is a really super dupes blog, so definitely check it out while you are there. Kelly posts new things just about every day, and it’s all stellar picks from around the globe.

Starting yesterday Monday, January 25, 2010 (I’m late to post this, I know, I’m sorry! But there is still plenty of time!) and running through this coming Monday, February 1st at 9am CST you can enter into Design Crush’s Win It contest and get your very own, pristine copy of my “Going To See My Baby Sage” print. Just for you! And just for entering.

The entry rules are simple:

1. Head over to Design Crush to enter.

2. Post a comment THERE, as per Design Crush’s instructions, before the deadline and BAM! You are entered and ready for Lady Luck.

One winner will be chosen at random and that winner will receive my print (shown above). Yep! It’s that easy. I will ship directly to the winner, so no worries, the winner will get my usual treats and tricks in their tube too 🙂

There are already 73 entrants, so go on with your bad self. Enter today!